
Posts Tagged ‘Palestine’


I have posted a protest against the western genocide in Palestine twice in the last few months and will continue to do so while the ruling elite of the West is killing people and ethnic groups to serve its imperialism in Palestine and all over the world.
A few days before I recorded this protest, the police had used tear gas on the protesters, so I also expected it could happen again. But it didn’t, except protesters use a smoke bomb.
These protests were held in front of the Icelandic Parliament during a parliamentary session. Icelandic parliamentarians are ALL puppets of the government in Washington, so the Icelandic government is complicit in the horrors that are taking place in the Middle East, both today and in the past, and elsewhere where Western imperialism attacks the world’s inhabitants.
This recording is about 35 minute long, but the whole protest lasted for approx. two hours.
The sound quality in the speaker system that was used by the protestors was terrible, but they were directed towards the parliament building. So I decided to stand behind them rather than in front so therefore It can be heard a little better in the people themselves.

  (mp3 256kbps / 66Mb)

Recorder: Sound devices MixPre6
Mics: Primo EM172 parallel double capsule in baffled – binaural setup
Pix: Samsung S6

Weather: Cloudy, 6°C. Gusts up to 8 m/sec
Location: 64.147031, -21.940228

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More than 5 months have passed and the genocide is still going on in Gaza in occupied Palestine. Since the Western-backed Zionists started destroying Gaza and the West Bank and the genocide of the people of Gaza, the Iceland-Palestine Association and other peace activists have been holding actions in various places in Reykjavik almost every week all this winter.
I myself have not been able to attend all these solidarity marches, but I did so here when they marched through the center of Reykjavik to the British and German embassies on March 2, 2024.
I encourage people to attend such solidarity marches with Palestine around the world and record them. We must end the horrors that Western imperialism and colonialism have cost the rest of the world for centuries, and most recently in Palestine.

It was quite cold but sunny, and sometimes there was a gust of wind that sometimes interrupted the recording because I didn’t use HPF. Here I am recording in binaural and using Primo EM 172 capsules which are located near my ears and point 180° in each direction.
The recording was done on a Sony PCM-D100 so the equipment fit in a pocket, was light and compact.
At the first peace meeting I attended in October, I used a Baffled-AB-Binaural microphone set based on 2×2 EM172 capsules, which can withstand much higher winds, but at the same time requires more bulky and heavier equipment.

(mp3 256kbps / 53Mb)

Recorder: Sony PCM-D100
Mics: Primo EM172 binaural
Pix: Samsung S22
Weather: Clear sky. Gust 1-10 m/sec -2°C

Location: Hallgrímskirkja where the parade started (pix)

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On October 15, 2023, a solidarity meeting with Palestine was held at Austurvelli in downtown Reykjavík. I think I could estimate that about 5-6 hundred people came to the meeting, which can be considered quite good by Icelandic standards
The week before, on October 7th, western propaganda media had reported some vague attack by „Hamas“ forces that was considered terrorism against civilians of the so-called „state of Israel“. Much is still unclear about what will happen on this October day. Even the occupiers themselves were not all on the same page about what really happened that day, as it became clear that Apache military helicopters from the occupying forces had probably caused more damage and killed even more people than „Hamas“ forces in some places.
But if Hamas had done something, it was enough for the „Israeli“ occupation authorities to think they had the right to let bombs rain on innocent civilians in the world’s most densely populated area, the Gaza strip. Gaza is nothing more than a concentration camp, fully controlled by this „Israel“ fascist colony state, supported by the west since 1948.
More about this conflict:
The untold history of Hamas.
The ‘Hamas human shield’ justification for Israeli war crimes
Why does the US support Israel?
I am not going to comment further on these miserable conditions that the Palestinians have had to withstand for 75 years. It is quite clear that the legacy of Hitler and the imperialist policies of the West is ruling the occupied Palestine.
At Austurvöllur on October 15, several speeches were given as well as songs. To be able to stick to the time frame, I took out one speech and the songs.

(mp3 256kbps / 60Mb)

Recorder: Sound devices MixPre6
Mics: DIY Stereo mic. Double Primo EM172 capsules in AB baffled/binaural setup
Pix: Samsung G22

Weather: Cloudy, wind up to 4m/s, about 2°C
Location: 64.147308, -21.940289

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