
Posts Tagged ‘MS setup’


Earthquakes have shaken southwestern Iceland for more than two weeks. They have been counted in many thousands since it began so folks like me are going to feel like all earthquakes below 4 in magnitude are a normal state
But not everyone feels the same way. All those who live close to the source of the earthquakes are going to be very tired of this situation, mainly inhabitants of Grindavík town and nearby places.
When I was working on this blog as an example, an earthquake hit my house which was 5.4 magnitude. It is similar in magnitude as those which first heard in the recording below.
The following earthquakes were recorded in my garage in Reykjavik which is 25-30Km from the earthquake’s source.
The first two earthquakes were recorded with parallel Nevaton MC59O & MC59C, on four channels in  AB40 setup. All other earthquakes were recorded using the Nevaton MC50Quad in MS setup. These Nevaton microphones are the only ones I have that can reach below 10Hz and can therefore also record the fluctuations in the aftershocks.
This recording contains sixteen earthquakes, collected from continuous one week long recording. They are mainly earthquakes which happen during the nighttime to avoid traffic noise. Most of them were above 3 magnitude…I guess.  

(mp3 256Kbps / 24,4Mb)

Quality open headphones are recommended while listening at mid level.
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Recorder: Sound devices 788
Mics: Nevaton MC59O & MC59C parallel in AB setup and MC50 Quad
Pix: Screenshot of the first two earthquakes in the recording

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Starling Starri

It has been my work passing weekends recording birds and other sounds in my garden. Sometimes I am just testing microphones, microphones’ setups, wind protections or batteries. Sometimes I am just hoping to get something unusual, car crash in the neighborhood, earthquake or just something nice and interesting.
This recordings could be many hours long. Then usually this recordings go through different audio software and spectrum analyzer. If nothing interesting is found then most of the files are deleted. Most of them are just traffic noises.
I am used to feed birds in my garden so they are an ideal sound source and the following recording is one of this feeding day in November.
After almost four hours recordings a very big group of Starlings visited my garden. They fly and walk around the microphones. A raven was not far away and frightened most of the starlings when he flew close by.
For many reasons this is a nice recording, but for one reason I was not satisfied with the result.
I will let the listeners to find out what it is and discuss it and response. I will give my answer before Xmas.

Umferð starra

Ég hef gert mikið af því undanfarnar helgar að taka upp umhverfishljóð úti í garði. Oft er ég að prófa hljóðnema, hljóðnemauppsetningar, vindhlífar eða rafhlöður. Oftar en ekki eru spörfuglar sem ég fóðra úti í garði viðfangsefnið þó ég láti mig alltaf dreyma um hið óvænta. Þessar upptökur geta verið margra klukkustunda langar og fátt annað á þeim en hávaðasöm bílaumferð. En áður en upptökunum er hent er þeim rennt í gegnum forrit sem sýna í fljótheitum hvort eitthvað áhugavert sé á þeim að finna. Ef svo er þá er það geymt.
Hér er á ferðinni eins slík upptaka. Eftir nærri fjögurra klukkustunda upptöku kom stór starrahópur í fóðrið sem lagt hafði verið fyrir þá.
Þarna spígspora og flögra fuglarnir umhverfis hljóðnemana, en stór hópur þeirra er uppi í trjánum. Hrafn er í hverfinu og fær hund til að gelta og hræðir síðan fuglana þegar hann flýgur of nærri.
Þetta er að mörgu leyti lífleg og skemmtileg upptaka. En það var eitt atriði sem varð til þess að ég var nærri búinn að henda þessari upptöku.
Ég ætla ekki að segja hvað það er, en ætla að lát hlustendum eftir að dæma upptökuna og segja frá því hvað hafi hugsanlega misfarist og fá þá til að rita ummæli hér fyrir neðan. Ég mun svo segja hvað mér finnst fyrir jól.

Download mp3 file (192kbps / 23,3Mb)

Recorder: Sound Devices 744
Mics: Sennheiser MKH30/40 (MS setup)
Pix: Canon 30D (see more pictures)

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Reykjavik Marathon

Reykjavik downtown was a peaceful place when annual marathon was held 18th of August 2012. The weather was calm and no painful traffic noise as usual. Many streets were closed for cars so there was plenty of space for almost fourteen thousand runners this day.
I placed my microphones in a bush about 500 meters from the starting point.
In the beginning of the recording most footsteps are coming from right to left when runners are on the way to the starting point.
Air plains pass by from left to right and land on Reykjavik Airport.
Runners continue to pass on the way to the starting point, some of them arriving too late.
Few seconds after the race starts, runners begin to pass the microphones from left to right. And there is a lot of runners. Thousands of footsteps in just five minutes….and another airplane passes by the same way, but on the way to the airport.
Then, everything gets normal agin.

Reykjavíkurmaraþon 2012

Það var ákaflega notalegt og beinlínis streitulosandi að fara niður í miðbæ Reykjavíkur, morguninn sem Reykjavíkurmaraþon var haldið þann 18. ágúst 2012. Rúmlega 13 þúsund manns voru skráðar í hlaupið sem var metþátttaka. Veðrið var gott og það besta af öllu var að miðbærinn var laus við bílaumferð. Helsti hávaðinn kom frá gjallarhorni keppnishaldara og frá tveimur flugvélum sem komu til lendingar á Reykjavíkurflugvelli.
Staðsetti ég hljóðnema í runna fyrir neðan Fríkirkjuna og lét þá fanga það sem allt snerist um þennan dag. Í upphafi hljóðritsins má heyra fólk streyma frá hægri til vinstri á leið sinni frá bílastæðum við Hringbraut niður á Lækjargötu að ráslínu. Stuttu eftir að rásmerki er gefið koma hlaupararnir 13 þúsund eins og stórfljót frá vinstri til hægri sem svo hverfur á fimm mínútum. Þegar þeir eru svo horfnir úr augsýn færist allt aftur í eðlilegt horf við Fríkirkjuveg.

Download mp3 file (192kbps / 28,2Mb)

Recorder: Sound Devices 744
Mics: Sennheiser MKH30/20 (MS setup)
Pics: Canon 30D (see more pictures)

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State opening of parliament was totally different this year than previous three years. Since the bank collapse 2008 people usually had ruction every autumn in the park front of the parliament building.
But 2011 the ruction went to far when one parliamentarian fell to the ground after egg hit his head. So at 2012 the government decided to make it very difficult for everyone to protest. In fact it was forbidden to protest and government took full control of the whole situation. With riot fence and police they make a big circle around the parliament building and nearby church. But that´s not all. The government used speakers to amplify a mass from the church to the crowd that could possibly gather to make a noisy ruction. But the funny thing was just a few protesters arrived. This day mostly armed police was spread all over the park and nearby streets. The few others was staff from media, some protesters, handicap people, curious tourists and drug addicts, so the situation was in fact very peaceful. This mass „cool down“ all activism. Most people just pass by or sat down and listened.
This recording contains the last minutes of the mass and the ruction during the parliamentarians walk from the church to the parliament building. Notes the funny situation when some protester start to scream the mass get louder from speakers.
This time no eggs or other garbage was thrown from the protesters to parliamentarians.

Setning alþingis september 2012

Það var nokkuð sérstakt að mæta niður á Austurvöll 11. september 2012. Helmingur Austurvallar hafði verið girtur af með álgirðingu og lögreglan var búinn að koma sér fyrir í öllum götum umhverfis Alþingishúsið. Úr hátalarakerfi glumdi orðræða postula ríkiskirkjunnar. Aðeins örfáir mótmælendur höfðu mætt og létu í sér heyra. Austurvöllur var þétt setinn af lögreglumönnum sem voru uppáklæddir til að taka þátt í óeirðum og berja á lýðnum. Helst voru það fatlaðir sem höfðu komið sér fyrir undir styttu Jóns Sigurðssonar til að mótmæla sínum bágu kjörum og erlendir ferðamenn sem gengu hjá. Þá var nokkuð um róna sem voru á heimavelli, en nú að hlusta á messu.
Upptakan hér að neðan er af síðustu mínútum messunnar sem og látunum þegar þingmenn gengu frá kirkju til alþingis.

  Download mp3 file (192kbps / 24Mb)

Recorder: Sound Devises 744T
Mics: Sennheiser MKH30/20 (MS setup)
Pix: Sony CyberShot DSC-P120 (see more pictures)

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